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Chelsea Police Department warns of new phone scam

Chelsea Police logoThe Chelsea Police Department sent out a Nixle advisory Thursday about a phone scam going around the Metro Detroit Area, which has also been reported in the city.

People representing themselves as “DTE” call and say that utility services will be cutoff if a large dollar payment is not made. Payment is usually requested in the form of a prepaid card. This scam usually targets businesses, but citizens should be vigilant as well.

If you receive a call like this you should contact your utility company to verify the information prior to taking any action.

Standard operating procedures for most companies is not to call and demand money, you should receive written notification before a shutoff takes place, according to the alert.

If you have been the victim of a scam or have received a similar call you should contact your local police department to report the incident. In Chelsea, contact Chelsea Police. In Sylvan, Lima and Lyndon townships, contact the Michigan State Police. In Dexter Township, contact the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office.

There has been at least one reported similar incident in Chelsea

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