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Chulig, Marion families honored by Washtenaw County Conservation District

Washtenaw-County-Conservation-District-logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Dennis Rice, executive director of the Washtenaw County Conservation District, for the information in this story.)

Tom and Jenae Chulig of Bridgewater Township received the 2013 Tree Conservationist award for 2013 in front of a crowd of about 90 people at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Washtenaw County Conservation District.

The Chulig’s were recognized for planting over 1,700 trees since the mid-1980’s for reforestation; and their overall stewardship ethic during the ceremony that was held on Jan. 16 at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds.

They received some local notoriety for their log home which took seven years to construct, using trees removed from two construction sites near Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.

Paul and Connie Marion of Saline Township, were presented the “Walter Wolfgang Memorial” Conservation Farmer of the Year Award for 2013, which is presented to the outstanding conservation farmers.

The Marion family was recognized for a number of conservation practices implemented on their farm, including: no-till; field borders; grassed waterways; nutrient management, including regular soil testing; and verification in all three systems of the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program ( MAEAP) – farmstead, cropping and livestock.

They operate a 357-acre dairy and cash crop farm, growing corn, alfalfa, soybeans and wheat.  Seven of eleven children help on the farm, making it a truly family farm.

Also recognized at the meeting were retiring District Director Bill Van Riper, who was presented a Distinguished Service Award for 12 years of service on the Conservation District Board of Directors.

An election of two District Directors was also conducted with Jeremy Hodges of Chelsea elected to his first term as a Director, and Howard Sias of Lima Township, re-elected to a fifth term on the Conservation District Board of Directors.

The Washtenaw County Conservation District is a local unit of state government, assisting private landowners, businesses and others, with the conservation and management of their natural resources in Washtenaw County. The District works cooperatively with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.  The District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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