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Jan. 14: Chelsea ‘Pop-up Closed Cell Foam’ Collection

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bill and Glenna Jo Christen for the information in this story.)

There will be a “pop-up” closed cell foam recycling collection at a private residence at 19 Chestnut Drive in Chelsea on Saturday, Jan. 14 from noon to 4 p.m.

Should there be more than an inch or two of snow that morning the alternative date will be the next Saturday, Jan. 21.

There will not be a Dart Industries trailer so it will be privately hauled to Mason.

Prior to the collection, very large, clear plastic bags can be provided if you have large pieces or a large amount. Call or text (586) 801-6199. Your material in garbage bags will be placed in these large bags by our volunteers.

Your bags or cardboard boxes will be returned to you for appropriate recycling.

As usual, we are only collecting the “right stuff,” i.e., cups, food trays, egg cartons, packing material, and medicine or food coolers. If the foam bends, but does not break, or if is wrapped in a plastic coating, it is not the “right stuff.”

We will take certain foam packing peanuts to be repurposed by a private party, not recycled by Dart.

Please remember that we are in a residential neighborhood and be patient while we unload the foam.

This is a temporary measure until we can secure a location for a Dart trailer.

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