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Johnny Mitchell to speak about Timbertown at March 16 Kiwanis Club meeting

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

The Kiwanis Club of Chelsea, in its 91st year, holds a weekly meeting on Monday nights at 6:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph Mercy-Chelsea cafeteria.

Monday’s speaker will be Johnny Mitchell, who will talk about Timbertown. The Mitchell family has been key to the playground from the start, says Bob Milbrodt, and the Chelsea Kiwanis Club has been fortunate to have joined many community members in its construction, and has contributed annually to the city for its maintenance.

The speaker typically begins at 6:45 p.m., and everyone is invited to the meetings to learn about Kiwanis.

The Chelsea Kiwanis Club received a double shipment of dictionaries, and since Chelsea was covered, the club donated them to Ypsilanti Middle School. Four members of the club and Jeff Lawther, president of Ypsilanti Kiwanis, distributed 450 books to the school children on March 13.

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