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June 17: Rockhound Basics Program Through Eddy Discovery Center

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Claflin for the information in this story and Waterloo Natural History Association for sponsoring it.)

On Saturday, June 17 from 2-3:30 there will be a program called Rockhound Basics that begins at the Eddy Discovery Center.

Discover what you can learn about ancient Michigan from looking at a rock.  Geologist Larry Bean will show you how to “read” the story told by rocks and help you to identify specimens at a local quarry.

We will meet at the Discovery Center before driving to the quarry to do some collecting.

Cost: $2/person or $5/family. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Road in the Waterloo Recreation Area near Chelsea.

Please register in advance at 734-475-3170.

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