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March 4: spiders and their kin at the Discovery Center

Courtesy photo by Tom Hodgson. The Discovery Center.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Claflin for the information in this story and the Waterloo Natural History Association for sponsoring this story.)

On Sunday, March 4 from 2-3 p.m., Dr. Cara Shillington will introduce you to live spiders, tarantulas, scorpions and other intriguing invertebrates at the Discovery Center.

During the program “Spiders and Their Kin,” learn about poisonous spiders in Michigan, where they hang out, and how to avoid them.

Cost: $2/person or $5/family.

Gerald E. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Road in Sylvan Township.

Advance registration requested at 734-475-3170.

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