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May 22: Film Forum Promoting Community Dialogue

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Patty Roberts for the information in this story.)

This spring, the Chelsea District Library is excited to announce the start of Film Forum, a new program series for adults. Once a quarter, the library will show noteworthy documentaries, movies, and other film adaptations to promote community dialogue around important present day and historical topics.

All showings are free of charge.

Book clubs have long offered a chance for people to converse and share their views on important topics. Movies and films offer a similar opportunity for a community to come together and explore new and relevant ideas. Film Forum aims to facilitate this kind of discussion in a comfortable space, moderated by a CDL staff member. Enjoy a screening of a quality film, and hear what your neighbors and friends have to say.

The first film in the series, “13th,” is scheduled for May 22 at the Silver Maples of Chelsea Retirement Community from 6:15-8:45 p.m. The movie is a thought-provoking documentary that examines the inequalities associated with the United States’ prison boom. Directed by Ava Duvernay and named for the 13th amendment to the Constitution, the film connects slavery and historical discrimination (such as Jim Crow laws) to the present day mass incarceration of African Americans.

The second installment in the series, “Freedom to Marry,” is scheduled for June 10. This film tells the story of Evan Wolfson, attorney Mary Bonauto, and their colleagues who battled bravely for decades against the Supreme Court to remove legal barriers to same-sex marriage, and ended up forever changing the dialogue around civil rights for LGBTQ communities.

To get involved and join the discussion, register to attend one or both of these film discussions by calling 734-475-8732 ext. 503, or visiting and choosing events and event registration.

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