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Meet new Eagle Scout David J. Trimas of Troop 476

Courtesy photo. David J. Trimas (left) receiving his Eagle Scout neckerchief and pin. Also pictured are Troop Committee Chairman Michael Dailey and Scoutmaster David Stahl.
Courtesy photo. David J. Trimas (left) receiving his Eagle Scout neckerchief and pin. Also pictured are Troop Committee Chairman Michael Dailey and Scoutmaster David Stahl.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Heidi Dailey for the information in this story.)

David J. Trimas, 17, of Chelsea, recently received his Eagle Scout pin at a Court of Honor ceremony.

The new Eagle Scout is a member of Troop 476. For his Eagle Scout Service Project, he designed and created a flower garden and seating area for Michigan Army National Guard soldiers and their families. The garden is located at the Jackson Armory on Cooper Street in Jackson.

Trimas, who is just finishing his junior year at Chelsea High School, is involved in distance running-both cross country and track. He came in 10th at the state cross country meet this fall. And, his future college plans include running and pursuing an engineering degree.

The new Eagle Scout is the son of Pam and Dr. Eric Trimas.

Troop 476 is chartered by the Chelsea Kiwanis Club.

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