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Publisher’s message: promises made (and kept) in January will carry through to the year ahead

As we close in on the end of January, 2021, I want to thank everyone who has made the start of this new year a happy one for me.

In addition to the continued financial support from Chelsea Update’s wonderful advertisers and the generosity of readers – what really helped me through the aftermath of the recent divisive and virus-filled election cycle were your notes, phone calls and emails of support.

For someone who makes a living with words, the positivity and appreciation you’ve sent my way this month defies adequate description.

Like so many of you, I, too, trudged through the holidays and the last few months of 2020 with as gloomy an attitude as Eeyore.

And that was on a good day.

But push through I did, and along the way I promised myself that starting in January and in all the months ahead in 2021, no matter what happened, I would go froth with optimism for the future.

And I have. Thanks in large part to all of you.

I had the honor of being asked to speak to the Chelsea Rotary this month and I was quite frank about how hard the last six months had been and then explained what I’d done to push through and mitigate those circumstances.

I promised this community when I launched Chelsea Update going on 9 years ago—that I would provide all the fair, accurate and unbiased news that was fit to publish about the Chelsea Community on a daily basis.

That no matter what, during these times of social isolation during COVID, I wouldn’t break the promise I’d made to this community of publishing a trusted connection to so many wonderful people though Chelsea Update and its straight-forward daily news.

Instead of comfortably resting on what Chelsea Update has provided for the Chelsea community for so many years, I decided to slowly begin increasing coverage in Lima, Lyndon and Sylvan townships in 2021.

That through the respect and trust of its readers, I hope that by expanding its coverage this might help provide a factual bridge of mutual understanding and knowledge for readers.

I truly believe we have more in common than we realize and hope that Chelsea Update can continue to provide the most comprehensive local news to readers, and perhaps in turn help them to build and increase a more fact-based understanding of what’s going on in the extended Chelsea community.

So, thank you readers, for helping me continue to do my best to provide you with the news — whether your contribution to the continuation of Chelsea Update comes in the form of information, or inspiration or financial support.

So with that, I’d like to publicly thank the following people (below) for their non-tax deductible donations to Chelsea Update.

If you’d like to make a donation in any amount, you can do so two ways — through Paypal on the home page or by sending a check made out to Chelsea Update and addressed to 18829 Bush Road, Chelsea, MI 48118.

  • Dave and Betty Murphy
  • Yvonne Herron
  • Chris and Bob Frayer
  • Neil and Janis Horning
  • Linda Detterman
  • Catherine Guinan
  • Jenn Ridley
  • Roger Simpson
  • Jean and Edward Driscoll
  • Cliff and Marybeth Lampe
  • Florence Beach
  • Jean Vargas
  • Mary Green
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