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Publisher’s Message: Today, I’m One Day Closer

Buzz in my basement on a sit stay waiting for the day when we can compete in Rally at a dog show again.

As the good news about additional local availability of a COVID-19 vaccine continues and the age limitations for these vaccines will soon be reduced, I am now in a serious planning mode for what I shall do once I am vaccinated against and protected from this deadly virus.

I hope you are, too. I look forward to the days when everyone is vaccinated, more events take place and life looks a little more like it used to.

Since I may have been more of a fanatic about not “people-ing” than a lot of readers, as I draw a day closer and a day closer to moving more freely “in the wild,” I am starting to plan for the day when I can safely pack up the van and head off into the sunrise.

It’s my plan to take my first full week of vacation since I started Chelsea Update almost nine years ago. Other times, when I have taken a few days off here and there, I’ve made sure that there were enough stories that published while I was gone so you didn’t miss me.

Not entirely sure that will happen this time.

It’s been a very long year publishing seven days a week and sorting through all the information that’s come out about this virus and researching what’s accurate and what’s not, then deciding what of that information is most important for readers to know. Along with providing all the other news that’s fit to print about this community.

So with all that said, I’m not sure when I will be taking a vacation … yet … or where I’ll be going – but of this I am sure: Buzz and I will be heading somewhere that involves a dog show. We’ve been training by ourselves all this time and I know he’ll be game to strut his stuff inside a ring somewhere by my side.

So, when I’m vaccinated and those coveted vacation dates are set, I will be sure to let everyone know well ahead of time. And, I will publish reminders so if you have information you want published the week I’m gone, this can happen. But what arrives that week I’m gone won’t be looked at until I’m back from my much needed vacation.

And for readers in Lyndon and Sylvan Township, I hope you’ve enjoyed the news Lisa Carolin and I have been providing for you since the beginning of the year from your Township’s Board and Planning Commission meetings. In case you were wondering, any story without a byline has been written by me. And every word that’s published on has first been read by, or edited by, or proofed by me, first. Nothing publishes on this site unless I have read, coded and uploaded it myself.  

And, it’s my hope that readers become better informed of the facts through our coverage of your towns rather than relying on other forms of media for their information.  

I’d also like to publicly thank those people who have recently supported our efforts to bring you accurate, fair, and unbiased news from the City of Chelsea and Lima Township, and now Lyndon and Sylvan townships as well.

These kind and generous people have either taken the time to write a check (and many times a lovely note) made out to Chelsea Update and sent them to 18829 Bush Road, Chelsea MI 48118 or they’ve sent a donation in any amount through Paypal on the If you so choose to do this, please know these donations are not tax deductible.

A big thank you to the following people for their support of our expanded efforts.

  • Richard Brandon
  • Don Paulsell
  • Margaret McCall
  • Malinda McCain
  • Wendy Reinhardt
  • Jenn Ridley
  • Joan and Edward Driscoll
  • Gretchen Zale
  • Florence Beach
  • Susan Whitelaw and Larry Ledebur
  • Bill and Becky O’Reilly
  • May and Jim Randolph
  • Mary Schulze
  • Christa Williams
  • Jerry and Mary Waldyke
  • Florence Beach
  • Chelsea Rotary
  • Hank and Shirley Muir
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