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SEMCOG urges safe and sober holiday travel

With more people expected to travel the region’s highways during the holiday season, SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, urges everyone to remember that alcohol is a significant factor in holiday deaths.

Alcohol-related crashes tend to be more serious than others, and increase during the holidays. This is illustrated by some quick facts regarding alcohol-involved crashes in Southeast Michigan during the holiday season for the years 2014-2018:

  • In Southeast Michigan, alcohol is involved in nearly 31 percent of traffic fatalities, but only three percent of total crashes.
  • There were 19 percent more alcohol-involved crashes per day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day compared to the rest of the year.
  • More alcohol-involved crashes occur on New Year’s Day than any other day of the year. There were 52 percent more alcohol-involved crashes on Jan. 1 than the next highest day, July 4.

“The crash data tell us there is much we can do to increase traffic safety,” says Kathleen Lomako, SEMCOG executive director in a press release. “We encourage all holiday travelers to consider the following safety tips this holiday season.”

    • Use designated drivers, transit, and ride-sharing services. Never drink and drive.
    • Be aware of potential drunk drivers; most fatalities occur at night, especially weekend nights.
    • Celebrate the holidays, just be responsible when it is time to drive home.
    • Stay focused while driving and avoid all distractions.
    • Always wear your seatbelts
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