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Chelsea veterans posts give back to well known Chelsea resident

Some of the volunteers who helped build a handicapped ramp for the wife of Ron Harris (
Some of the volunteers who helped build a handicapped ramp for the wife of Ron Harris (in checkered shirt).
John Beeman measures a board.
John Beeman measures a board.

The banging of hammers and whirring of saws that residents on Park Street heard early Saturday morning was a labor of appreciation from Chelsea-area veterans — including two who served in WWII.

Members of the American Legion Post 31, Sons of the American Legion Squadron 31 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4076 arrived at the home of Ron Harris with a trailer full of wood and carpentry equipment then got to work building a handicapped ramp for a special friend of and volunteer bugler for the Legion and the Washtenaw County Honor Guard.

Harris, a well-known former band director and bugler, said his wife had had an operation and needed a handicapped ramp to get in and out of the couple’s home.

He said he called Chuck Reed, a member of both the Legion and VFW, and explained the situation.

Reed told him, “We’ll take care of it” and within an hour, plans for the project and funding for materials had already been secured.

Craig Maier, financial officer for the Legion, said that from the initial request to the start of the project, it took less than a week.

Manpower and supplies for the ramp were funded by Post 31, Squadron 31, the VFW and the Washtenaw Council of Veterans.

“I was completely surprised,” Harris said, “And very appreciative to all the veterans who responded.”

A crew of about a dozen veterans spent Saturday and Sunday working to complete the project.

And, it’s already been successfully wheelchair tested. Maier said.

Amercan Legion Post 31 volunteers work on a handicapped ramp at the home of Ron Harris.
American Legion Post 31 volunteers work on a handicapped ramp at the home of Ron Harris.


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2 thoughts on “Chelsea veterans posts give back to well known Chelsea resident”

  1. Great story! And what I love about Chelsea.

    Thank you to all those you helped build and fund the ramp for the Harris family, and for those who serve the US and protect all our lives: past, present and future.

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