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Hometown Holiday filled with events for all ages (with slideshow)

Gingerbread house making was a popular activity during Hometown Holiday yesterday.

Story and photos by Lisa Carolin

The Hometown Holiday weekend offered no shortage of activities for people of all ages, and on Saturday, Dec. 7, Chelsea was bustling.

Inside the Chelsea Fairgrounds service building, the 13th annual All the Trimmings Artisan’s Holiday Show was a popular place to be. From wreaths and Christmas greens to textiles and jewelry, local artists were selling a huge variety of holiday gifts.

Across the street at St. Barnabas Church, people came to the craft and bake sale and to see the large quilt display that filled the chapel. Church member Kitty Jensen is a member of the Chelsea Senior Center’s C.A.A.D.Y. Quilters, which donated a beautiful and colorful selection of quilts for the show.

At the First Congregational Church on East Middle Street, families enjoyed a creative outlet-building gingerbread houses at the annual Pam Radcliffe Gingerbread House Workshop.

Close to 100 gingerbread houses were constructed using candy, frosting, and gingerbread.

The Material Girls Christmas Bazaar at the Chelsea First United Methodist Church drew more than 350 young shoppers along with dozens of shopping buddies.

Janie Brooks, a member of the Material Girls, said that membership in the group has surpassed 120, and they produced a huge selection of presents for every member of the family.

“We couldn’t do it without the shopping buddies, and all the slots filled up,” said Brooks. “Most of the buddies started out as shoppers, and some get credit for community service.”

Shoppers ranged from age three to sixth-graders, and prices for the items ranged from one to five dollars.

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