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Human Rights Commission Welcomes New Member; Revises Bylaws

By Lisa Carolin

Katy Tinsley made her debut as a member of the Chelsea Human Rights Commission at its March 3 meeting via Zoom.

Tinsley grew up in Chelsea, moved away, and is now back. She told HRC members that this is her first involvement in government.

Much of the meeting was taken up with a review of the HRC’s bylaws, which is part of the HRC’s 2021 Plan.

The bylaws include the nondiscrimination ordinance and the purpose, objective, and duties of the commission.

Other sections of the bylaws that were discussed include the difference between special meetings vs. work sessions, that a quorum is considered at least three members, and that all meetings are open to the public.

HRC members approved a revision to allow public comment twice at each meeting.

HRC Chair Susan Morrel-Samuels will make the discussed changes to the bylaws, which will then be voted on by HRC members, after which it will be placed on a Chelsea City Council agenda for discussion and approval.

HRC members voted to have a work session on Tuesday, March 23, at 7 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, April 7, at 7 p.m.

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