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June 22: Chelsea History Fest, Monitor, Merries vintage base ball at Timbertown

File photo from last year's History Fest.
File photo from last year’s History Fest.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Jasen King and Honest Jon Van Hoek for the information in this story.)

Chelsea History Fest will take place Sunday, June 22 at Timbertown from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Local businesses will display items from the past and there will be a vintage baseball clinic from 11-11:30 a.m. followed by a scrub match and ending with a three-way match between Chelsea, Dexter and Kalamazoo.

At 11:30 a.m., the Monitors will join forces with their new sister club, the Merries, to take on a “Scrub Nine” of community members.  Then at 2 p.m, the Monitors will host the Continental BBC of Kalamazoo and the Union BBC of Dexter for a “gatling-gun” style match of base ball.

Monitors matches are free and open to everyone, bring blankets, lawn chairs and some refreshments and be a part of the vociferous rooting squad. It’s a unique and fun glimpse of the early days of our nation’s pastime.

There will be free hot dogs for the kids, Johnny Cake samples, Ginger Beer (ginger ale) samples, games and a few other exhibits.

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