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Feb. 5: Learn about ‘Skins, Scat and Skulls’ at the Discovery Center

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Claflin for the information in this story and the Waterloo National History Association for sponsoring this program.)

On Sunday, Feb. 5 from 2-3 p.m., learn about Skins, Scat and Skulls in the Waterloo Recreation Area from Dave Szczygiel.

This program will give you a chance to view and handle a large variety of animal skins, bones, and other specimens. Try on a deer’s winter coat to feel its warmth, and learn how special characteristics help animals survive.

Following the program there will be an optional outdoor walk to look for animal tracks and other evidence of animals living around the Discovery Center.

Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Road in the Waterloo Recreation Area in Sylvan Township.

This program is free.

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