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Book review suited for today: ‘The Columbus Affair’

The-Columbus-AffairHappy Columbus Day.

In honor of the captain who sailed the ocean blue in 1492, “The Columbus Affair”  is mystery/thriller that will make you rethink everything that you learned in school about Christopher Columbus.

I’ve read almost all of Steve Berry‘s books and what I really enjoy is he always does his homework. And when it comes to Columbus, what he discovered about the man was not only interesting, but also eye opening. Barry spins a great story and lets readers know in a writer’s note at the end of the book, what’s fact and what’s fiction, adding further insight into the story.

I’m a huge fan of Berry’s books — all 12 of them — because they take history and superbly weave it into these amazing tales that have taken me all over the world and back in time.

“The Columbus Affair” took me to Jamaica, Prague, Vienna and Mount Dora, Fla., into lost caves, temples, and castles. Plus, the main character in this stand-alone book was a fictional Pulitzer prize-winning journalist who is accused of fraud when sources he trusted, deliberately fed him incorrect information.

Berry’s writing grabs you from the first sentence of each of his books, shakes you around, surprises you, leads you to parts unknown and keeps you reading until the last sentence. I love a book that teaches me something while keeping me engrossed until the wee hours of the night.

This is one of the many he’s written that does just that.

Run, don’t walk, to your local book store and grab one of Berry’s titles. He’s one of my favorite authors and will soon become one of yours.

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