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Both Chelsea varsity and JV cross country teams win Springport Invitational

Chelsea Bulldogs logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank coach Eric Swager for the information in this story.)

Both the Chelsea High School Varsity Cross Country team and the JV team traveled to the Springport Invitational and both teams brought home the winning trophies for the third year in a row.

“Overall, this was a much improved performance over last week,” said Coach Eric Swager of the Bulldog’s top finish over nine other teams in division 1.

Chelsea finished with 52 points, Hanover Horton was second with 58 points, Stockbridge was third with 68 points and Coldwater was fourth with 85 points.

In the JV standings, Chelsea finished with 35 points, Hanover Horton with 60 points, Coldwater with 80 points and Eaton Rapids with 112 points. There were more than 30 JV teams competing, Swager said.

Courtesy photo by Mike Holik.
Courtesy photo by Mike Holik.

“We had a couple of guys really step up today, including Joe Vermilye, Miles Fischer and Liam Heaney,” he said.

Vermilye finished third in 16:58, Trimas finished 4th, Fischer was fifth, and Heaney was 16th.

David Trimas also ran hard and Matt Proegler battled in the last mile to seal the victory,” the coach said.

In the JV run, four of the five guys ran lifetime bests to least the charge, Swager said. “We also had some notable improvements from some of the other first year guys, including Matt Rosolowski, Kirby Hubbard and Sam Olson.”

“We have a ton of improving to do, top to bottom, but it was nice to see a substantial subset of the runners compete hard in the Chelsea tradition. Onward and upward,” Swager said.





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