(Chelsea Update would like to thank D&B Strategic Marketing for the information in this story.)
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Chelsea Education Foundation (CEF) online auction. CEF raised $7,200 to help fund grants to Chelsea School District Educators. We couldn’t have accomplished that without you.
With our deepest gratitude for your generosity,
Chelsea Education Foundation Board
Chelsea Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3. Organized in 1990, the mission of CEF is to enhance the Chelsea School District’s educational experiences by financing projects beyond the resources of the district and by providing scholarships to district graduates. Since its inception over 52,000 students have received benefits from the foundation.
To learn more about Chelsea Education Foundation, visit www.chelseaeducaitionfoundation.org or email the Board President Amy Forehand at president@chelseaeducationfoundation.org.