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Chelsea Board of Education meets tonight, welcomes new 3rd grade teacher

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Among the items on the Chelsea Board of Education agenda tonight, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Washington Street Education Center is an introduction of Melissa McGuire as a new third grade teacher at South Meadows Elementary.

McGuire of Ypsilanti, was one of 240 external applicants for the position, which became open when a 3rd-grade teacher transferred to North Creek Elementary to teach an additional kindergarten class.

The new hire is a 2011 graduate of Eastern Michigan University who completed her student teaching at North Creek in 2012. She took a job as a reading and math interventionist at Cesar Chavez Academy in Detroit and was hired for the 2012-13 year as a full-time first grade teacher.

McGuire has a degree in elementary education.

And, although McGuire said she loved her job at the academy, she looked for a teaching position in Chelsea because after student teaching in the district she knew it would be her dream job, according to information from Julie Deppner, executive director of instruction.

In addition, Jed Fritzemeier and Deppner are expected to give special presentations to the board. Fritzemeier will talk about the Chelsea House Orchestra while Deppner is expected to give an accountability update.

On the consent agenda is a district-wide copier purchase bid not to exceed $300,000. The bid includes the replacement of 31 copy machines and two risograph machines as well as a contingency of about $6,500.

The board is expected to approve a donation from the Chelsea Area Senior Citizens of $14,000 to install handicap door openers in two rooms they lease from the district. The senior center received a grant for the project.

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