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Chelsea City Council Approves Requests for City Businesses

With spring approaching, the Chelsea City Council moved forward with a number of requests to assist city businesses in the months ahead during its Feb. 16 meeting.

In addition to approving the requests for both Chelsea Farmers Markets’ to take place, local restaurant Los Tres Amigos was granted its annual request to provide outdoor seating in the right of way along M-52 following MDOT guidelines.

During this COVID crisis, restaurants applying for temporary outdoor seating can now do so for 180 days rather than having to come back and request permission more frequently.

Also, the City Council approved a request to put together a steering committee of interest people, one each from the City Council, the Planning and Zoning Department, the Parks Commission, the DDA, and the Chamber of Commerce to work on project plans for the $46,000 Kaboom granted the city for parklets to be located downtown for additional outdoor activities.

(Publisher’s note: This is one of several stories from this meeting.)


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