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Chelsea Covenant Church wins ‘Golden Sneaker’ at Chelsea-Dexter Area CROP Hunger Walk

Courtesy photo. Barbara Locks, coordinator of the 2017 Chelsea/Dexter Area CROP Hunger Walk, presented the Golden Sneaker award to Linda Koch, representing Covenant Church.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Barbara Locks for the information and photo in this story.)

Covenant Church was recently awarded the Golden Sneaker award for 2017 following this year’s Chelsea/Dexter Area CROP Hunger Walk.

The CROP Hunger Walk Golden Sneaker is awarded to an organization based on increasing the percentage of their donation from the previous year. Chelsea High School Interact Club won the award in 2016.

The award was presented to Linda Koch, who represented the church, on Feb. 8.

The Chelsea/Dexter Area CROP Hunger Walk, affiliated with Church World Service (CWS), has been held the first Sunday in October for the past 30 years. The walk alternates between Chelsea and Dexter. Last October, St. Joseph Catholic Church in Dexter hosted the walk. This October, the walk will be held in Chelsea.

Sixteen organizations participated with 173 walkers, raising $27,648.90 for the Chelsea/Dexter CROP Hunger Walk. Faith in Action received a check for $6,912.23.

St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox and St. James Episcopal, both of Dexter, joined the walk for the first time this year.

This walk supports efforts to help people thrive, locally, nationally, and internationally.

Faith in Action receives 25 percent of all funds received locally. CWS works with people, helping them succeed. Funds raised are used to support building capacity and leadership of indigenous people to improve their own communities. CWS is intentional about transforming communities with sustainable and appropriate support.

We’ve all heard the story, if you give a man a fish, or teach him to fish. Sometimes teaching is not enough: he needs a fishing pole. Church World Service educates, and provides tools.

One woman told a CWS staff, “After the flood, my garden was gone, but the flood did not take away my training.” With the tools and education, she still had a future.

Thank you to those who walked or supported a walker. Everyone is invited to join the walk this year. Please contact Barbara Locks at Dexter UMC for more information.

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