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Chelsea Human Rights Commission Hears from Saline DEI Committee Member

By Lisa Carolin

A representative from Saline’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee spoke to members of the Chelsea Human Rights Commission during its Aug. 2 meeting.

Kerstin Woodside shared ideas from the Saline DEI Committee, which has 11 members and is an official commission of the city. She encouraged Chelsea HRC members to let community members come to them about what they feel is important. Woodside shared some of the projects her committee has worked on including bystander training, which teaches people what to do when they witness bigotry.

HRC members discussed a current complaint they’d received, which they agreed fell within the scope of the HRC ordinance. They approved a motion to forward the complaint to the City Attorney to determine the validity of the complaint in regard to sex discrimination in the City of Chelsea.

Also approved at the meeting was sending a letter to local service organizations to encourage them to participate in Civility Month, which will be held in November.

There is currently an opening on the HRC. For more information, go to

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the HRC is on Sept. 6 at 7 p.m.

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