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Chelsea Kiwanis Needs Volunteers to Help in the Concession Trailer at Fair

Please sign up to help at the Chelsea Kiwanis Club Food Trailer.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Jim Randolph for the information in this story.)

With some AI assistance, a poetic invitation to volunteer in the Kiwanis concession trailer at the fair next week. 

Roll up them sleeves, lend a hand real quick,

Kiwanis trailer needs you, ain’t that the trick?

Chelsea Fair’s knocking, and we’re all set to go,

But without your help, we’re movin’ too slow.


No need for a master class, just bring your grin,

Serve some grub, let the good times begin.

It’s a piece of pie, as easy as can be,

Join the Kiwanis crew, set your worries free.


Knacks, kraut, and a laugh or two,

Help your community, it’s a win-win brew.

No fancy moves, no experience required,

Just your good ol’ spirit, highly desired.


So mark your calendar, jot it down clear,

Chelsea Fair’s near, come volunteer.

Be part of the team, make the fair a blast,

In the Kiwanis trailer, having a blast that’ll last!

On a more serious note, Kiwanis really needs some folks from the community to work a shift at our concession trailer.  Perhaps lost in the rhyming text above: it’s easy; it’s fun; and it’s rewarding for you, for Kiwanis, and for Chelsea. 

Here is the sign-up link:

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