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Chelsea Parks Commission Works on Project Goals

By Lisa Carolin

Snow and an Arctic blast didn’t stop Chelsea’s Parks Commission from making progress toward its goals for 2024.

Three picnic tables, six bike racks, and three benches have all been purchased for Timbertown, and a meeting with Play be Design offered a walk-through of its current design/layout for the park. That was talked about at the commission’s Jan. 16 meeting.

The Timbertown fundraising committee plans to have a kickoff event in the coming weeks. Also, The Pathway to Renewal has two different options being considered for the mosaic at Timbertown: One would be to repair the current mosaic, and the second would be to create a new mosaic. The longevity of the mosaic is a priority, and a grant of up to $30,000 might be possible.

The kickoff for “TimberTown Reimagined” will be held in the McKune Room of the Chelsea District Library on Feb. 20 from 6:30 to 7:30pm.

On the topic of the Main Street Park, Chelsea City Manager Marty Colburn gave an update on the Jan. 12 meeting with the Viridis Design Group, regarding three different concepts that were submitted.

Colburn also discussed the possibility of two roles in the community for a mental health professional, one through the city and one through Trinity Health at Chelsea Hospital. He said the need for such a position after school hours isn’t currently being met. The topic was brought up in connection with the Community Center Planning Group.

Also discussed was the difficulty the public is having on the use of a new phone app to gain entrance to the Dog Park. The problem is that the lock using Bluetooth technology needs to be synced with the user’s smartphone, something Parks Commission Chair Shawn Personke plans to post on the Bark Park Facebook page.

Personke welcomed Dan Kaminsky who was sworn in as a new Parks commissioner. There is still an opening on the commission. For more information go to

The Parks Commission meets next on Feb. 6 at 9 a.m.

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