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Chelsea School District Receives Clean Audit

By Crystal Hayduk

Kevyn Kozumplik of Gabridge and Company, an accounting firm based in Grand Rapids, presented his final audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 to the Chelsea School District (CSD) Board of Education at its meeting on Nov. 6.

Kozumplik said CSD received an unmodified opinion, “the highest level of assurance a school can possibly receive,” he said, and there were no internal control findings—all good news for the district.

The ending general fund balance was $5,764,848, an increase of just under $100,000.

Although the fund balance as a percentage of annual expenditures has decreased since 2020, Kozumplik said it is not a concern because it is related to increased spending on capital projects and increased activity since COVID-19 restrictions have been removed.

The total fund balance is 15.12% of the district’s expenditures.

The district’s Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) from the federal government was also audited and received the highest rating, an unmodified opinion on its internal control over compliance, said Kozumplik.   

Superintendent Mike Kapolka congratulated Nicole Darby, chief financial officer, and her team for the clean audit in her first full year in the position.

The school board meeting was videorecorded and is available to view here. The full audit report is available as an attachment to the agenda here.

Kapolka reported the latest standardized testing results to the board, based on M-Step and SAT tests. He said the tests measure the percentage of students who score above a proficiency benchmark.

Among districts in Washtenaw County, CSD students in grades 3-8 and 11 took second place on the M-Step, while students who took the SAT test ranked third.

Statewide, students who took the M-Step 11 scored in the top 2%; SAT scores were in the top 3%; and M-Step scores for students in third through eighth grade were in the top 5%.   

Kapolka said he attended a meeting of superintendents in the South and West Washtenaw Consortium Monday morning in which enrollment trends were discussed. In 2019-20, 46 CSD students participated in CTE (career and technical education). This year, 116 students are enrolled, an increase of 86%.

Kapolka believes one reason for the increase in enrollment is the increased opportunities to take courses on the CSD campus as opposed to traveling to other districts. New courses offered in Chelsea in the last two years include cybersecurity, robotics, and exercise science. Health sciences has been offered in Chelsea for many years. Building trades is offered on the Dexter campus, but is taught by a CSD teacher.

The district is conducting a strategic planning survey, which will close on Dec. 8. It can currently be accessed through a link on the district’s website, or on the district’s social media networks soon.

During the opportunity for public input, four parents addressed the board. One parent shared multiple concerns, including, but not limited to, academics and school safety.

One parent expressed her concern about public bigotry and supported the SAGA (Straight and Gay Alliance) group at Beach Middle School (BMS). Another parent said parental consent should be required for students to attend SAGA, and that the group should meet after school instead of at lunchtime.

A parent of a senior football player expressed her gratitude to the coaches for their leadership. She also praised the band for coming back strong post-pandemic.       

In other board news:

November Elementary Students of the Month (North Creek student Emma Scott and South Meadows student Tyler Christofferson) were introduced. (Related story will be published soon.)

In consent action, the board approved two international field trips for July 2025. The history class, Turning Points, is planning a tour of Italy, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic; the trip will be open to any Chelsea High School student. Chelsea House Orchestra is planning a music performance trip to Croatia and Italy.    

Upcoming dates:

The next school board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 27 in the media center at BMS, 445 Mayer Dr., Chelsea.    

There will be a school board work session at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 11 in the board room at the Washington Street Education Center.

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