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Dec. 19: Transition Town Chelsea meeting and potluck

transition-town-chelsea-logo-2On Monday, Dec. 19, at 6:30 p.m., the Transition Town Chelsea group will meet at the Chelsea Senior Center, 512 E. Washington St.

What does “In Transition” mean to you?  Find out what it meant to the founders of the Transition Movement 10 years ago.  As the group reaches the end of 2016 and approaches a refreshing of our local Chelsea group for 2017, it is a good time to look back.

The group will be screening the original film In Transition 1.0: From Oil Dependence to Local Resilience. Some things have changed since 2006, some things have remained, and some have intensified.  For discussion … What have we learned?  How can we build a better group for the future?  Where are our biggest challenges now?

Potluck meal begins at 6:30.  The film begins at approximately 7:15.  If coming to the potluck meal, please bring a dish to pass and your own place settings.

There is a rumor of some caroling that might take place.  If such a spirit erupts on Monday, feel free to join in as you like.  Musical instruments would be a plus.

The event is free and everyone is invited.

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