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Executive orders extend protections for nursing homes, grocery store workers 

On Monday, the governor issued Executive Orders 2020-168 and 2020-169, extending existing safety measures, including 2 hours a week of reserved shopping time for vulnerable populations, to protect consumers and employees at grocery stores and pharmacies.   

Executive Order 2020-169 maintains infection control protocols in nursing homes and protects residents from eviction and employees from retaliatory action for staying home when exhibiting symptoms.  Executive Order 2020-169 continues through Sept. 7.   

Executive Order 2020-168, which continues through Sept. 7, extends the following health and safety rules for grocery stores and pharmacies, among others:  

  • Grocery stores and pharmacies must allocate at least two hours per week of shopping time for vulnerable populations.  
  • If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, the business must notify other employees without infringing on private health information.  
  • Grocery stores and pharmacies must offer accommodations to vulnerable employees, such as low-risk assignments or a leave of absence. 
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1 thought on “Executive orders extend protections for nursing homes, grocery store workers ”

  1. It’s a sad day in this country, when a virus that has a morbidity rate of 0.04%, which means the survival rate is 99.96%, and a tyrannical Governor which rules by unlawful and unconstitutional decree’s, its pathological. Add to the fact that some of the people in this state allow this to happen and unwittingly goes along with these mandates, I fear that this state is lost and has gone the way of California. My children and grandchildren have got a very heavy burden to carry throughout their lives……………

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