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Faith in Action volunteer Lisa Carolin calls experience ‘uplifting’

Photo by Lisa Carolin. A glimpse inside the Faith in Action pantry.

By Lisa Carolin

I truly look forward to my Thursday mornings.

That’s because I have the opportunity to spend them as a volunteer at Faith in Action in Chelsea.

I’m not sure what I like best – talking with the other volunteers and staff,  interacting with the clients, or sorting through donations and being part of the process that allows food, clothing, and housewares from some folks in the area to directly benefit others.

The process is simple and direct, and Faith in Action keeps working to make it smoother and better.

Volunteering at Faith in Action is an uplifting experience on many levels.

There’s the satisfaction of being part of that giving process without some of the obstacles that various government programs may entail.

We help people who need food to get it. We offer people who need clothing and housewares the chance to get them.

The recipients are grateful, and we’re grateful to all the generous people who donate to Faith in Action.

I can’t believe how fast my shift goes by. There’s always something to do – greeting people, sorting through donations and putting them in the appropriate places, and enjoying the company of my fellow volunteers.

People stop by to donate food and clothing throughout the shift, and people come to shop for food and clothing throughout the shift.

There are times when we can barely fit another clothing donation in the closet where they go, and there are times when some racks are nearly bare. Same situation in the food pantry. Whatever the case, Faith in Action makes the most of what it has.

But there’s more. It’s a privilege to be in that enlivening atmosphere – to meet people of all ages from all walks of life, who all want the same thing – the chance to improve upon their lives.

Faith in Action is bigger than just giving and receiving. It’s an example of humanity coming together and improving the quality of life for those who need help.

At its core, Faith in Action promotes connection. That’s why I love being a volunteer there.

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Some of the clothing donated to Faith in Action.
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