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Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Jr. Movie and Discussion

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Michelle Mikolajczyk for the information in this story.)

St. Louis Center welcomes people from Chelsea and the surrounding communities to a movie about Dr. Martin Luther King and a discussion about discrimination Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6 pm.

After a short, animated movie, a discussion will be led by students from Chelsea High School Key Club (Kiwanis Service Club) and Interact (Rotary Service Club). St. Louis Center residents and members of Chelsea and the surrounding communities will join the conversation.

St. Louis Center is located at 16195 Old US-12 in Sylvan Township.

This activity is part of the One World One Family organization’s “2023 Chelsea’s Martin Luther King Jr. Days of Service and Social Action” events. There will be a closing event at the Chelsea District Library on Jan. 22 at 3:30 pm.

All community members are encouraged to join and fill out a challenge card, available at the Chelsea Library. Cards can be turned in at the end of the event for a certificate and a small token.

For more information, please visit

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