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June 4: Music in the Air Returns to Chelsea District Library’s Reading Garden

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Virginia Krueger for the information in this story.)

Chelsea District Library recently announced the return of Music in the Air.

Originally conceived as a way to make classical music accessible to the community without the barriers of cost, formal attire, and a need to sit silently in a concert hall, Music in the Air found an enthusiastic audience in Chelsea. The COVID-19 pandemic and its travel restrictions forced the last performance featuring Jacopo Giacopuzzi and his sister, Maddalena online. This year, the library is excited to welcome Maddalena Giacopuzzi from Italy to Chelsea on June 4 at 3 p.m.

Maddalena dazzled our virtual audience with her sparkling personality and incredible talent. Giacoppuzi has won first prize in several national and international competitions, was selected among 150 participants to take part in the prestigious Busoni International Piano competition in 2013, and has performed as a soloist and chamber musician in multiple major international music festivals.

Since February 2019 she has been on the piano faculty of the Conservatorio “G. Paisiello” in Taranto, Italy.

Do not miss this opportunity to hear Giacopuzzi showcasing classical masterpieces, undiscovered gems, and original compositions in a casual outdoor environment.

This performance is open to all ages and free of admission. In case of rain, the concert will be moved to the McKune Room of the Chelsea District Library.

About Us: Chelsea District Library is a not for profit organization whose mission is to engage, inspire, and equip through evolving services and resources. The Library currently serves 16,126 residents in the Chelsea area including the City of Chelsea plus Dexter, Lima, Lyndon and Sylvan townships. More than 16,000 individuals visit the library each month. For more information visit

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