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Letter to the Editor: Decisions Made to Protect All Citizens

Dear Chelsea Update Editor:

This letter is in response to Rod Anderson’s Letter to the Editor of Sept. 10, 2021.

I do not know where Mr. Anderson is getting his information but he is incorrect that Washtenaw County and the State of Michigan are seeing decreasing COVID numbers, hospitalizations and deaths. All three of these are on the rise and have been for weeks.

He states “Most recent data is showing a downward trend” which is far from the truth. The Detroit Free Press headline from yesterday (Sept. 10) states “Biden: Vaccine Refusal Cost Us…Michigan hospitals approach capacity; staffing shortage nears crisis point”. The headlines on M-Live, the Detroit News, the WSJ and the New York Times have been all similar in nature.

I am a trustee of the Chelsea District Library Board and a member of the Chelsea Community Foundation. Neither has met in person since February, 2020.

As long as numbers continue to rise, we are unwilling to risk public health, and will continue to meet virtually, and encourage the public to attend these meetings from the safety and convenience of their homes. Until more people are vaccinated, we, and other public bodies, will have to continue to make these difficult decisions.

The Chelsea Community Form has changed their meeting to virtual, the Chelsea Expo has been postponed until April 9…I could go on and on about decisions that have been made to protect ALL our citizens of our much-loved community.

I don’t know of one person who likes virtual meetings. But they have been necessary and continue to be so until our county and state numbers improve dramatically.


Anne Merkel

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