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Letter to the Editor: Lima Township board candidate Dale Luick

Dear Editor and fellow Lima Township Residents:

Hello; my name is Dale Luick, and I am seeking the opportunity to serve you as your next Lima Township Trustee. While some of you may recognize my last name, many of you may not know what I represent or my intentions as Trustee. This letter will hopefully shed some light on these questions.

I will turn the ripe age of 31 on election day, but do not let that fool you on my wisdom and passion for Lima Township. I am a seventh-generation product of this Township and have grown up knowing the value of hard work. I believe this community is built on getting our hands dirty and keeping core family values at the forefront of these challenging times. I am a local business owner and have kept a keen eye on Lima Township politics throughout the years, but I know now is the time to stand up and represent generations to come.

As a Lima Township Trustee, I will be open and always listening to the needs of our community members. Several incumbents are adamant on building a new township hall and I pose questions such as “Do we have the funds?”, “Is it necessary?” and, “Shouldn’t this be something the residents decide on?” I, along with many others, would like the answers to these questions. If given the honor to serve as your Trustee, I will ensure WE get answers.

Like so many residents, I would like to focus our attention on critical infrastructure. It is no secret our roads and bridges need improvements. As Trustee, I will advocate for these improvements and vote to allocate funds accordingly. Also, how is it 2020 and we do not have a reasonable high-speed internet option? This is a necessity as many of our working-class transitions to the “work/school from home” era. I, like you, need high-speed internet to build my business and enhance everyday life.

Lastly, I would like to see Lima Township flourish as a rural community but be open to change. With the fast pace world around us we must adapt and vote in youthful, high energy, ambitious representatives. It would be an honor to be elected, and I hope to keep Lima Township an area generations to come can be proud of.

Best Regards & God Bless,

Dale Luick     

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6 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor: Lima Township board candidate Dale Luick”

  1. It is impossible for me to imagine anyone who will work harder and more conscientiously for the people of Lima Township than Dale Luick. I have known him his entire life. You’ll not find a more honest and personable individual. He will listen, solicit advice and then make decisions with sound judgement based on careful evaluation. View his youth as an asset. Someone capable of bringing fresh perspectives to the governing table. I strongly endorse his candidacy and urge all Lima Township residents to vote for Dale Luick.

  2. Nicely written Dale. I hope you get the position. You would have my vote if I could. Take care and Good Luck!

  3. Dale has the passion and interest that Lima Township needs! Out with old in with the new! Our current leaders are not looking to the future and have no regard for the younger generation (myself). I don’t want to front the bill of a township hall, estimated at 1.5 MILLION, when the current one just needs some TLC. Dale has the Township’s priorities straight and will give the professionalism we deserve.

  4. Dale has the passion and interest Lima Township needs. Out with the old in with the new! I was never asked if I wanted to front the bill of a 1.5 MILLION dollar Township Hall. The current leaders have no regard for the younger residents (myself). Dale has his priorities straight and I can’t think of a better option as Trustee.

  5. I have known Dale for over 10 years now. He is the hardest working and most honest man I know. He would do an excellent job as a Trustee!

  6. As I step up to the turnstile as one of the older generation, I’m acutely aware that we need not only new blood on the Lima Township board, but youth infused blood. Dale will be the first to lead the next generation…and youthful board members to come. Decisions made now will affect generations to come. Don’t burden them with unnecessary loans!!! With the election of Duane Luick and Bob Spink as well, will serve Dale as a wise experienced positive learning guidance. All three need to be voted to the board for a new, fresh, thoughtful, resident respectful, pleasant board. Dale realizes the need of the young up and coming voters. He’s looking out for their future!!!
    Since Craig Maier was elected in 2012, I have observed during the township meetings on too many occasions to count, Craig trying to shut down residents that don’t agree with his agenda. I personally have had confrontations with Craig doing damage to the Beach farm. Getting snarky responses. That is not the leadership ANY township should have to put up with. People have said that if the General was alive, that conduct would not have happened. Shameful!!! It shouldn’t matter if the property owner is a ditch digger or a four star general, they are all equal….the voters…. the elected officials work for them. Please support Dale, along with Duane and Bob, for a much sorely needed new era for Lima Township.

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