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Lima Township Planning Commission Tables All Four Items on Agenda

Lima Township Hall

During a two-and-a-half hour Lima Township Planning Commission meeting in which four out of four items were tabled, Zoning Administrator Tom Caplis told the planning commission, “Applicants need to take the initiative.”

One of the items tabled was a special land use application and site plan application for St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church, filed by Dangerous Architects.

Caplis said he’d received the bond, but that the perpetual care agreement was still needed as well as the rationale for an easement.

“We received the modified site plan last week, but none of us have had time to review it,” said Caplis, based on the planning commission’s requirement that such information be received at least two weeks before a planning commission meeting. “If you don’t get it in on time giving us time to review it, we’re going to defer it to next month.”

That’s what the planning commission voted to do despite the pleas of representatives from the church.

“We will start to get ourselves in a bad place if we don’t get approval by next month,” said Father Gregory Joyce from St. Vladimir Church.

Referring to approval for the church’s application as well as special use applications from other applicants, Lima Township Supervisor Craig Maier told the planning commission, “I think approval with contingencies is getting to be a bad thing to do because contingencies fall through the cracks.”

The planning commission also tabled an application for a special use permit for Lawrence Cameron and Cindy Garfield who own Ann Arbor Jackson Concrete Forming Inc. and want to use their property at 10860 Jackson Road as an off-premise business and build two buildings for storage as well as a home on the property.

The planning commission created a subcommittee to meet with Cameron to work through pending questions.

Also tabled was a special land use application for C3 Services, LLC, an off-premise business owned by Scott and Hannah Crosby at 230 N. Dancer Road until issues with the site plan are worked out.

The fourth item tabled was a township sign ordinance, which planning commission members said was not yet ready to review.

The Lima Township Planning Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for July 24.

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