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Message from the publisher: Live and Learn

Shop with a cop fun.

If you’ve noticed that Chelsea Update has been slow to load up the last few weeks, blame me.

The slowdown is being caused by all thoseĀ  pretty photos that I take and load into stories.

I didn’t realize that I was supposed to be resizing them before I uploaded them into stories. And by the time it was brought to my attention, there were more than 1,200 photos that needed to be “rescaled.”

Live and learn.

So, for the last week, I have been “rescaling” a batch of photos each day, which is why there haven’t been as many stories as I usually write.

And, I’m not done with this time-consuming task yet, so please be patient with me. And with the website. I expect to have the job done by the end of next week.

Also this week, I was finally able to cover a story I’ve wanted to do for many, many years. That’s part of the fun of owning my own news site. I get to pick and choose the stories that appear on it.

On Wednesday evening I was on hand for the annual Shop with a Cop event. Begun by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office, it’s a chance for kids to spend time with law enforcement officials and buy Christmas gifts for themselves, their friends and family.

These are children who wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to buy gifts and each is given $100 to spend at Meijer — on anything they’d like. You’d think that these kids would spend all of it on themselves. Which was not the case. Many of them shopped first for their moms or dads, grandparents, aunts or uncles, brothers or sisters.

Shop with a Cop is one of those magical nights of good will and bright smiles. It’s a shining example that sometimes Christmas wishes do, indeed, come true.







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