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Publisher’s message: Happy 2nd birthday, Chelsea Update

Today, July 23, is Chelsea Update‘s second birthday with me as publisher.

So it’s time to do a little celebrating, Chelsea. If you are downtown around 1-3 p.m.-ish, please stop by Chelsea Bakery, say Hi and eat some birthday cake — thanks to the efforts of Jennifer Kundak, who came up with the idea of having a birthday celebration.

For anyone who likes to keep track of such things — this is story number 4,064. Yes, my fingers have been all over this many local stories during the first two years of this relaunched community news site. And I can’t wait to write the next 4,000 or so more.

That said, I hope you don’t mind if I crow — just a little bit. I’m so glad that everyone is enjoying Chelsea Update because every day I put my heart and a whole lot of hours into his little website for all of you. Yes, I own Chelsea Update and yes, I am trying to make a living publishing it for all of you, but this is the community’s news source and your ideas and contributions help determine what appears on it each day.

I could not have gotten this far without the tremendous support of everyone in the Chelsea community from the readers to the donors to the advertisers. And although I’m proud of what’s been done so far, I’m constantly trying to make Chelsea Update even better. So how about some Bulldog sports coverage beginning this fall?

Again, thank you everyone, for your encouragement, your kind words and your support during the first two years.

Now let’s eat some cake.

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4 thoughts on “Publisher’s message: Happy 2nd birthday, Chelsea Update”

  1. Lisa, Congratulations on a 2 Year anniversary. I’m not
    sure what this community would do with out thie “e-paper”.
    Your dedication to your profession and commitment to
    bringing real stories to the community is appreciated by
    many. Keep up the good work!!! – Rick Eder

  2. I am enjoying hearing what my “birth town/city” is doing. I was born in Chelsea in 1936, graduated from CHS in 1954.
    So much has happened since my family and I lived there.
    My Dad was a doctor in Chelsea for many years. When I
    drive downstate now I am amazed and happy to see how
    things have grown.
    I now live in Northern Michigan and am very contented
    to have the peace and quiet which comes with us “older”
    people. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday/anniversary.

  3. Lisa-I’m so happy for you! It’s a wonderful addition to the Chelsea community. Thanks for all you do.

  4. Boy time flies when you’re having fun! Happy 2nd birthday! I hope it has been a fabulous one so far and I can’t wait to keep reading your e-paper!
    Warm regards! -Karla DeMea

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