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Publisher’s message: ways you can help Chelsea Update

Citizen of the Year Rick Eder will be honored Thursday at the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Village Conference Center. Tickets are $35 each.
Citizen of the Year Rick Eder will be honored Thursday at the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce banquet at the Village Conference Center. Tickets are $35 each.

Getting around town will be a little tricky starting tomorrow with the expected closure of the railroad tracks on M-52. Please give yourself some extra time and be patient with your fellow drivers and visitors who may be trying to figure out where they are going.

And, while I’m at it, please keep an eye out for pedestrians and folks on bikes as well. Let’s be safe, everyone.

There are several new features on Chelsea Update, which I hope readers are enjoying. If you are a parent and have questions about how to handle issues that might be taking place at school with your child, please send an email to [email protected].

I’ve also been taking nominations for the new Focus on Teachers’ column. Please email me at [email protected] with the name of a teacher who is making a difference.

And, please check out the new classified section here and consider supporting the site with a very inexpensive ad. Or, if you have a local business, please check out the low cost of display advertising on Chelsea Update here. Christmas is coming.

Thank you everyone for your generous donations in the last few weeks, which include the Waterloo Natural History Association, Jeffrey and Lois Emmert, Toni and Rich Kinsey and Rod Branham. If you’d like to make a donation to Chelsea Update to support my full-time efforts to bring you all the news that’s fit to post about Chelsea, please send a check in any amount to Chelsea Update, 18829 Bush Road, Chelsea, MI 48118. Or, you can donate through Paypal.

Lenard McDougall will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement award on Thursday night.
Lenard McDougall will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement award on Thursday night.


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