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2 thoughts on “Search committee OKs CAFA fire chief job description”

  1. A few random thoughts. I haven’t been involved in any of the preliminary discussions, so I’m coming at this fresh, as a potential applicant might.

    Seems to be oddly written to attract a fire management professional (e.g., multiple references to the arts scene.). Also, I think it’s important to include the actual structure of the Authority and its constituent municipalities, which doesn’t get a mention. It also seems to be written favoring local applicants (see 2nd paragraph). If true, why wouldn’t we want the best person available regardless of residence, as the City has done with great success with its City Manager and Police Chief?

    Am I missing the requirement to Manage fire suppression and rescue operations as part of the list of responsibilities? Seems pretty important! Some folks were down on Chief Payeur for various reasons, but his ability in fire and rescue management was both top notch and unquestioned. We can’t afford to lose that leadership and expertise. Right now, the job responsibilities as listed are 100% administrative. Seems to be a very wrong emphasis.

    Rod Anderson

  2. Mr. Anderson, thanks for your feedback. As a member of the search committee I know the entire committee welcomes your feedback and would be happy to talk with you about how the job description came to be crafted. If Lisa is willing to pass on my personal email address to you, please feel free to reach out and we’ll set up a time to chat. Thank you! Susanne Vanden Bosch

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