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Sounds & Sights Announcement

(Chelsea Update would like to thank D&B Strategic Marketing for the information and graphics in this story.)

The Chelsea Area Festivals & Events (CAFE) Committee has been carefully considering the next steps for the 2020 summer series of events while closely following the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on our community.

Organizers came to the very difficult decision to cancel this year’s Sounds & Sights on Thursday Nights, (June 4 through Aug. 13) and the Sounds and Sights Summer Festival (July 24-25).

The SculptureWalk Chelsea and Hometown Holiday events will continue as planned.

 “As part of our consideration, we realized that there are too many what-ifs associated with any go-forward plan. Safety is the most important criteria in our decision-making process, we don’t want to risk the safety and health of volunteers, vendors, participants, and guests in any situation that we don’t have answers for today,” said Craig Common, CAFE president.

Chelsea is a resilient close-knit community that will work through COVID-19 challenges.

CAFE continues to remain steadfast in its mission to promote quality performing and visual arts throughout the year. Looking to the future, Common said, “We are starting to imagine what comes next and are looking forward to the opportunity to bring quality music and visual arts safely back to the streets of Chelsea. And we are excited about moving forward with ScultpureWalk Chelsea and Hometown Holiday.”

CAFE sincerely appreciates everyone’s contribution, passion, and support – all things that make Chelsea a very special place to live, visit and work.

For additional information visit or email [email protected].

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