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Tonight Doug and Julia Jackson to speak at February Transition Town Chelsea meeting

On Monday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center, local area residents Doug and Julia Jackson will speak to the Transition Town Chelsea group.

The Jacksons and their two girls were in the middle of a trip around the world 10 years ago.  From a whole year of traveling through 32 countries, they have quite a story to tell. 

Be treated to an eye-opening account of how this family made it all happen within financial constraints and gain some insight into how people around the world live within different limits than many Americans are accustomed to. Consider what we can bring back from the Jacksons’ experience to Chelsea. The event is free.

And bring some food for the potluck, if you would like to join the group for the meal and conversation that precede the presentation. The potluck begins at 6:30 p.m. and the Jacksons’ presentation begins at about 7:15 p.m. If planning to attend the potluck, please bring a dish to pass and your own place settings.


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