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2016 Memorial Day events


Tomorrow is Memorial Day and Chelsea will honor those who died while serving in the military with a parade and tribute ceremony at Oak Grove Cemetery.

The parade route proceeds south on Main Street to Park Street and ends at the cemetery.

In addition, there is something new planned for this year. Ray Tuck of Ypsilanti is looking for volunteers who would like to get involved in a 50-flag salute to thank veterans and military personnel for their service.

The parade begins at 10 a.m. sharp, and everyone is invited to follow parade participants to Oak Grove Cemetery where Sgt. Jeff Gunnis, former US Army artillery, will speak.

If interested in being a flag volunteer, arrive by 8:45 a.m. on East Middle Street between East Street and the cemetery, and “dress in the spirit of the day.”

Tuck also plans to have hundreds of hand held flags that will be given to folks along the route.

If you’d like more information or if you want to volunteer, please contact Tuck at [email protected] and visit his Facebook page.
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1 thought on “2016 Memorial Day events”

  1. Thank You Chelsea for all your help with the 50 flag salute. I thank you for the help to make this a parade I will always remember. Special thanks to the families and the boy scouts to help by holding the flags for the Veterans. Thanks for the family that walked the parade route passing out the hand held flags.

    If anyone has pictures or video of the parade please send me some copies my way. would love to see it from your point of view.

    Thanks again.
    Ray Tuck

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