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Aug. 3: Needle Lane Farm this week’s featured vendor at the Bushel Basket Farmers Market

Photo by Stephanie Willette. Tommy from Needle Lane Farm.
Photo by Stephanie Willette. Tommy from Needle Lane Farm.

The Wednesday Bushel Basket Farmers Market offers folks a mid-week opportunity to shop for fresh and local products at the Palmer parking lot from 2-6 p.m.

Needle Lane Farm is this week’s featured vendor.

By Stephanie Willette

Needle Lane Farm, located in Tipton, is a regular vegetable vendor at the Bushel Basket Market. Owned and operated by Beverly (Bev) Ruesink, they have been a vendor for several years.

Although not certified (yet), they use organic practices to grow their vegetables. Tommy, a first-year farmhand, sometimes steps in to help with sales on Wednesdays in Chelsea.

Needle-Lane-vegetablesTommy started working at Needle Lane in May. He met Bev at the Adrian Farmers Market and asked if they needed help. Soon after, he moved onto the farm and started working there most days. “We have everything,” Tommy said, “tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, beans, basil, herbs, flowers, honey, beehives…” Needle Lane has five hoop houses and three or more heated greenhouses, and they practice season extension. The farm grows vegetables all year and sells at the Saline Farmers Market in the winter.

Needle Lane is working on getting organically certified. In the meantime, they use organic practices for all their produce. “I want to give a shout out to everyone I work with,” Tommy added. “Working at Needle Lane has been one of the most life changing experiences I’ve had.”

Bushell-basket-veggiesBelow is a list of the vendor expected to be there. Please keep in mind that sometimes the vendors are unable to make the market or the products they plan to have are not available.

Mark’s Farm: maple syrup, cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, kohlrabi, broccoli, beets, sweet onions, cooking onions, cauliflower, shallots, garlic, potatoes, salad cucumbers, green and yellow beans, hot and sweet peppers, eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, sun-ripened tomatoes, corn.

Kapnick Orchards: Baked goods, produce, fudge, nut butters, bread, donuts, sweet cherries, raspberries, blueberries, transparent apples, peaches, plums. Freestone peaches soon.

Stone Hearth Bakery: assorted artisan breads all baked from scratch with no preservatives, hot dog buns, cookies – check out the new sugar cookies, triple chocolate chunk brownies, fruit breads, including red raspberry, strawberry, wild blueberry, apple, cinnamon raison, 4-cheese pepperoni rolls, 4-cheese habanero pepperoni rolls (both two to a pack).


Lutchka Angus: honey, kale, herbs, cabbage, zucchini, summer squash, sweet onions, maybe broccoli, eggplant, redskin potatoes, cukes – large and small, basil, Yukon gold potatoes, corn, hot and sweet peppers, patty-pan squash, sunflowers, zinnias, dahlias, okra, salad cukes, beets, salad tomatoes.

Kapp Bakery: baked goods, pretzels, zucchini, cukes, green beans, kale, dried herbs.

Family Circle Centennial Farm:  honey, microgreens, basil, rosemary and thyme, garlic, gift certificates, T-shirts and bags, carrots, radishes, maybe beets, summer squash, maybe tomatoes, onions, cukes, beans (maybe) eggplant.

Needle Lane Farm:  kale, chard, lettuce, herbs, (maybe) beets, cucumbers, kohlrabi, green onions, zucchini, peas, carrots, broccoli, basil, sweet peppers, tomatoes, honey, pole beans, yellow squash, fennel.

Pregitzer Farm Market.  Herbs, last week for combination planters and hanging baskets, veggies, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, beans, broccoli, maybe corn.

cornBordine Farms: cut flowers

Janet’s LLC: cards, jams, nuts, pretzels, dolls, sweets, dried fruit and nuts, Dammit dolls, caramel corn, lemon eucalyptus lotion, herb rub.

HumusFalafil: hummus, falafel and baklava

Jacob’s Fresh Farm Shares: eggs

Hanover Craft Meats: pasture-raised, non-GMO pork.

Good Times Kettle Corn: kennel corn

Kapp’s Bakery: pretzels, cookies, zucchini, cukes, green beans, kale, dried herbs.

Elysium Soap: soap

(maybe) Smith’s Daylillies: day lilies

Elysium Soap: soap

(maybe) Myer’s Berry Farm: jams and jellies

Lavender Lane: lavender products

Nonprofit: American Cancer Society

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