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Chelsea DDA looks at parking downtown during work session (with poll)

The first portion of the Chelsea Downtown Development Authority‘s (DDA) meeting on Sept. 21 was a work session devoted to parking in the downtown.

City Manager John Hanifan presented a visual of a Northville at-grade “table-top” parking deck to get the discussion started. Unlike the large looming parking structures in other cities, this one had two levels, one below grade and the table top at grade level. Basically a 1-story parking deck, DDA members discussed its merits for the Park Street parking lot.

With Park Street parking lot improvements part of its long-range planning, some considerations brought up during the work session included cost, (which is yet to be determined), and along the same lines, how soon could they issue a bond (2019), could it be done in phases (yes), and could it have a level added (yes).

The structure in the presentation could be accessed both below ground and at ground level and the potential for a table-top structure in the Park Street parking lot would also require moving a transformer that’s located in the lot, as well as an island and a dumpster. It’s expected that further discussions will take place on the topic as the DDA considers its budget for upcoming years and whether to first complete the small projects on its list such as two stamped cross walks, fencing for the railroad tracks, wayfinding and parking signage, historical building lighting, etc.

The board will need to discuss its thoughts about doing some or all of these smaller projects, one big project, or something in between in the months ahead and Hanifan was directed to get some cost estimates and also find out what cities that have added one of these parking structures would have done differently if they could do it all over again. 

Regardless of what or how the DDA chooses to approach the parking situation in the city, they agreed that all parking would continue to be free.

During the formal portion of the meeting, the members were asked to appoint a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer at an upcoming meeting. Hanifan had assumed the role of chairman after former Chairman Pete Flintoft’s DDA term expired. In October, the board is expected to take nominations for board offices.

There are four board member’s terms expiring at the end of the year — Mark Heydlauff, Becky Patrais, Bill O’Reilly and Kathy Finger. They were asked to let the city know if they’d like to continue their roles on the DDA. In addition, two new members attended their first meeting on Sept. 21 — Phil Tolliver and Dana McGrath. Patti Schwarz resigned from the board earlier this summer and Guy Sanville told the city he will not seek reappointment to the board.

Hanifan told the group that Blue Spader, the contractor for the Palmer Event Space parking lot, is expected to begin work in October, then work through December. Work is expected to halt in January and February and resume in March, April and May. In the meantime, the DDA would like to put together a process to name the space on Main Street.

Hanifan said that with a text amendment approved by the City Council, Ugly Dog is expected to open its doors in either January or February and the new dentist’s office in the old post office building on Main Street is moving along. The owners have come to an agreement with the next door neighbors and the parking lot behind the building is being reconfigured, Hanifan said. In addition, work on the Mack Building project is waiting on a closing date and Hanifan said it’s still realistic that the project will kick off shortly.

There are all kinds of events planned by the Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce including the Smoke and Ale Festival on Oct. 13-14 and Hometown Holiday slated for the weekend in December said Executive Director Monica Monsma.

Monsma told the DDA that on Feb. 10, folks will be able to try curling in the parking lot outside Chelsea Lanes as park of the annual  Chocolate Extravaganza so both sides of town will have events for visitors to enjoy from chocolate to food and sports.

On Oct. 7, she said, between 40-50 photographers are expected to make a trip to Chelsea as part of a worldwide photo walk. They are expected to be in town for about an hour and photograph many of Chelsea’s unique sites. In addition, the annual Wine, Women and Shopping event will take place throughout Chelsea on Nov. 11 this year.

To watch the meeting, please click here.

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8 thoughts on “Chelsea DDA looks at parking downtown during work session (with poll)”

  1. anyone parking downtown business owner or not has the right to park in any available spot after all the taxes paid by business owners is far more than any sales tax collected

  2. I sure wish we could get rid of the parking spots on main street and convert them to outdoor dining space. We have so many good restaurants downtown now.

  3. I would favor closing off some parking for dining purposes; but who would want to sit out there with large trucks rattling all thru downtown. Could calming measures be implemented? I know ann arbor has outside dining, but the noise is sometimes unbearable. Something to consider.

  4. I live off of Downtown so I don’t have parking issues. I do see a need for more parking avalible and would love to see it moved from Main street to a parking structure. This would make driving downtown flow better and give folks easy parking close to events and shops. If we used the main street parking for drop off this would still make easy access for people with disabilites who are being driven.

  5. Chelsea is such a charming town. I visit different cities all the time with my job & for years I’ve said to my family & friends I wish Chelsea had outside seating. I think it would bring even more people to Chelsea to eat, drink, & enjoy the atmosphere.

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