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Chelsea girls track and field loses to Adrian, 79-58

Chelsea Bulldogs logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Loren Thorburn for the information in this story.)

A tough loss last night to a talented Adrian team (79 to 58). Coach Gonzalez of Adrian did a nice job preparing his team to compete hard through the entire meet.

Chelsea came up short in a few key events towards the end of the meet. We can definitely learn from our loss.

The girl throwers helped secure 11 points. The throwers comprised of Racheal Valek, Lilly Francisco, and Jordon Holton swept the shot. Also, Holton and Lilly Francisco placed 2nd and 3rd, respectively in the disc.

The girl jumpers helped the team by scoring 10 points. Lisa Kiaser, Jordan Fannin, Christine Schultz, Laney Miller, Emily Morales, Kendra Skittenhelm each contributed points.

The girl hurdlers scored 14 points in 100m and 300m Hurdles. Hannah Almhiemid and Laney Miller placed 1st and 2nd, respectively.

The girl sprinters scored 10 points collectively. Sydney Matusik placed 2nd in 400m dash and 3rd in 200m dash. 4x200m relay placed 1st due to no Adrian rely entering competition. Also, Ava Gerweck placed 3rd in the 100m dash.

The girl distance crew helped score 7 points in the meet. Senior Karana Wickens led the group in scoring by placing 2nd in the 1600m and pacing Allie Hughes in 3200m, who placed 2nd with a PR. Jacqueline Taylor placed 3rd in the 800m run. Also, Kyle Bragg ran a nice 800m with a time of 2:44.

We are looking forward to hosting the Chelsea Relays on Friday, which starts at 3:30 p.m. There is much history to this event and exciting young track and field talent, so please come out and support Chelsea athletics.

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