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Help Chelsea Area Historical Society establish a permanent home for its museum

CAHS_Logo(Chelsea Update would like to thank Janet Ogle-Mater, president of the Chelsea Area Historical Society, for the information in this story.)

The Chelsea Area Historical Society is celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2014 by bringing a permanent home to Chelsea’s history. Area residents can be part of the history-making simply by having dinner.

The non-profit organization will hold a Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction fundraiser at the Chelsea Depot on Thursday, Sept. 25 from 4-8 p.m.

Bring your family and friends out for a spaghetti meal, catered by Lynda Collins of Thompson’s Pizzeria, and be part of a lasting legacy to Chelsea.

CAHS was founded in December 1974 by 37 residents to safeguard Chelsea’s past for future generations. Their mission was straightforward: To gather and preserve area historical artifacts and stories. As a result, the organization has accumulated a wealth of photographs, newspaper clippings, business and personal histories, physical objects, and other relics that tell the story of the Chelsea area and community.

Throughout its 40 years, CAHS has been a nomadic group. They have exhibited in temporary historical museums, taken artifacts into the schools, and provided local history education in a variety of settings in the town. But, the non-profit is working to put down roots in the community it serves.

CAHS has been in negotiations with the owners of the property at 128 Jackson St. throughout the summer, and the group is very close to an agreement that will allow the organization to establish a historical museum and a permanent presence for the Chelsea community.

The 1853 Greek Revival house, which sits directly across from the depot, is one of the oldest buildings in Chelsea. It offers ample space on the main floor, which is handicap accessible, for displays and exhibits, while the second floor will house both an office and a historical research/reference room.

Now, the task before CAHS is to raise $180,000 to secure the building. The organization has already raised nearly a quarter of the purchase price, and is launching its capital campaign at the Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction fundraiser.

A donation in any amount is requested for the dinner. There will also be more than 25 auction items, with something for everyone to enjoy.

Another element of the non-profit’s capital campaign, “100 at a Grand,” will also be on display. The goal of “100 at a Grand” is to appeal to 100 people to donate a $1,000, which will generate $100,000 toward CAHS’s ultimate fundraising goal.

The “100 at a Grand” donor board will be on display and the first three $1,000 contributors will receive $50 gift certificates for area restaurants and businesses.

For more information, please click here or call 476-2010.

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