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Let’s get gardening in February, Part 1

File Photo of Jennifer Fairfield, owner of the Garden Mill.
File Photo of Jennifer Fairfield, owner of the Garden Mill.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Jennifer Fairfield, owner of The Garden Mill for the information in this column. Part 2 will run tomorrow.)

Feb. 2 generally marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

That means that we’re halfway through winter. I need to hold on to that fact when I see my garden buried under so much snow.  Something else that makes me feel better today is that we had almost exactly 10 hours of daylight yesterday (even though we couldn’t really see the sun here in SE Michigan), but by the end of the month, we will have more than 11 hours of daylight. This gives me hope that gardening season is coming. But for now, I’ll have to settle for dreaming about it as I look out the window.

Have you started gathering your seeds for your garden this year?  I already have my garden mostly planned out, and have gone through the seeds I have left from last year to see what I still need to get. We will have our seeds in at The Garden Mill starting this week, and savvy gardeners know to get theirs early to be sure to get what they want.

This month is the best time to prune many trees and shrubs, as well as roses. You want to get this task done while the plants are still dormant. By pruning at this time of year, you encourage lots of new growth in the spring. You may also want to prune to remove dead or damaged branches, to create better growing conditions for other plants in your landscape, or to make mowing or walking around your trees or shrubs easier.

It is especially important to prune oak trees while they are dormant, as they are extremely susceptible to oak wilt if pruned in warmer months. Other trees that do best when pruned now include flowering crabapples, mountain ash, and hawthorns.

Trees that shouldn’t be pruned now include dogwood and redbud, since their flowers bloom on last year’s growth.  Pruning them now will reduce the number of flowers produced this spring.

Dormant Oil
Toward the end of the month, if we are getting temperatures above freezing, consider an application of dormant oil for your trees. Dormant oils can kill over-wintering insects, spores and fungus that can harm your trees.

Proper application of dormant oil is important, so be sure to read directions carefully to make sure that you are using the oil meant for your plant, and that you are using it at the right time and under the right conditions (usually not on a windy day).

Snow benefits
Even though you and I may not appreciate all the recent snow, but we really need it – or more specifically, our plants do. When all that snow melts, it will give the ground a good soaking, and our plants will get a much-needed drink.

Up until now, we were low on precipitation for the winter, which can leave our plants very thirsty in the early spring.

(Part 2 of this column will run tomorrow.)

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