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Your voice, your choice: Nominate folks for the 2015 Citizen of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards

File photo. The 2014 Citizen of the Year Rick Eder with his certificate.
File photo. The 2014 Citizen of the Year Rick Eder with his certificate.

The Citizen of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards are some of the most important awards the Chelsea Community can bestow on our residents.

Yes, we all have very busy schedules. And great demands on our personal time, but I would encourage you to spend a few moments looking at what takes place in our community.

Ask yourself the question, “Who do I know that has done something special or who do I know that has helped me personally, or contributed to the positive well being of our community?”

Taking the time to do this will result in a list of worthy individuals that should be considered for the Citizen of the Year or the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Nominees can come from all walks of life and should not be limited to those in the business community. Residents, community and business leaders have won this award in the past and the winners do not have to be a member of the Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce.

Chelsea is blessed with a wealth of residents who are committed and dedicated to serving our community.

In many cases, these people perform tasks and support without any fanfare. Often, they do this by choice, but frequently it is because they are doing this out of a sense of commitment or desire to help Chelsea thrive.

It is not only appropriate to honor these individuals but also it is the right thing to do and these awards can only be offered through your help.

Please, everyone, take a moment and fill out this form.

Nominate someone you feel is worthy of these awards. There are lots of folks who are deserving and the nomination deadline is July 24.

Forms can be found here and in the chamber lobby.

Rick Taylor of Reinhart Realty has agreed to be the 2015 Citizen of the Year sponsor.

File photo. Bob Pierce reads the announcement that Lenard E. McDougall was chosen as the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner.
File photo. Bob Pierce reads the announcement that Lenard E. McDougall was chosen as the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner.

Below is a copy of the form.


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2 thoughts on “Your voice, your choice: Nominate folks for the 2015 Citizen of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards”

  1. Does one have to live within the Chelsea City limits or own a business in the city to be eligible for nomination?

    I have someone in mind to nominate but this person lives outside the city limits.

    • No, Tom. Nominees do not have to live inside the city limits. In fact, the last two Citizens of the Year live outside the city limits.

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