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Colt Vainner, Logan Powers take champion pig honors at Chelsea Community Fair

Colt Vainner and his champion pig.
Heidi Fuchs and her reserve champion individual pig.

The young owners of Tuesday night’s pig champions at the 83rd Chelsea Community Fair had a combined age of 15 — almost 16.

Colt Vainner, 7, of Chelsea took home the champion individual rosette for his pig and Logan Powers, 8, (he’ll tell you almost 9) of Chelsea, had the grand champion pair of pigs out of the about 86 total that were shown.

Vainner said this was his second year showing pigs at fair and he’ll also show lambs tonight. Although he comes from a family that’s known for champion sheep, Colt said he likes showing pigs better.

“Lambs are harder,” he said, “They push into you.”

He says his pigs “move more” and he was more excited to show his pigs.

Powers is a third-generation pig showman at the fair and it’s his third year showing them.

He helped his pair of pigs into this world when the sow had trouble birthing her litter without assistance.

He said he helped pull the piglets out and raised them from babies, picking his two winners by color.

Naomi Ratliff and her reserve champion pair of pigs.

Like Vainner, he will also show today, but this time he’ll walk into the ring with his feeder calf named Speedy. (He says he never names his pigs.)

Powers says he likes showing both types of livestock at fair, but he enjoys his feeder calf better because of the quality time he can spend with the calf.

Reserve champion individual pig went to Heidi Fuchs and reserve champion pair went to Naomi Ratliff.

Logan Powers with his champion pair of pigs.


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