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Amanda: Aug. 1991-Feb. 3, 2012

(Chelsea Update would like to thank reader Ed Stankevich for the information in this obit story about his bird Amanda.)

It all started in August of 1991 on the lower floor of Webbers Inn in Ann Arbor when we (Ed Stankevich and family members Debbie, Sara, and Beth) went to the Ann Arbor Cage Bird Club Show.

It was our first time to this event, and we went to see the birds. I don’t remember how we ended up seeing the Maroon Belly Conure that we would take home and that would become our “Amanda.” But, I do remember Beth having a meltdown, which caused us to buy a bird.

Neither Debbie nor I had had any experience with birds other than parakeets that are noisy and nippy.

So the adventure began and it ended on Feb. 3.

After 22 years, the sweet voice saying “Pretty Amanda” has gone and the world is a sad place.

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