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Ask the School Psychologist: What are the benefits of children doing chores?

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(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kristin Krarup-Joyce for the information in this column. If you have a question you’d like to ask Krarup-Joyce you can email her at [email protected]. All information will be kept confidential.)

Did you know …

Did you know that according to research, kids who have regular chores are more successful as adults? With that in mind, I thought it would be good to re-run a column on household chores.

Why are chores important?

First of all, they teach kids responsibility. Most children feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they complete their chores. They also provide children with a way to contribute to the family. Chores help lessen the workload for everyone. Finally, learning to do chores teaches children housekeeping skills. And these skills will serve them well throughout their lives.

Chores can be broken down into either personal chores (such as personal hygiene, cleaning bedroom, etc.) and family chores (such as dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes). There are numerous chore charts available online by searching in Google or Pinterest, but each family has different needs and different responsibilities.

Children as young as ages 2 and 3 can help with family chores like sweeping up small messes with a hand broom and dustpan as well as picking up toys and books.

Preschoolers, ages 4 and 5, can continue with light cleaning chores, setting and clearing the table, and helping put away groceries.

Early elementary students, ages 6 to 8 years of age, can independently complete more chores and they have a strong desire to be more independent. Chores such as caring for pets, helping with laundry, and vacuuming are appropriate.

Children ages 9 to 12, in upper-elementary school are more capable of completing tasks in a short amount of time. Chores such as washing dishes, raking leaves, cleaning bathrooms and operating the washer and dryer.

Most teenagers are capable of handling almost any chore at home. For younger children, chore charts including positive reinforcement such as stickers or stars are helpful in providing structure and reminders as well as motivation.

At any age, children should be involved in making decisions about chores because they will feel more ownership.  This is not to say that children can be involved in making a decision to complete chores, or not complete chores but based on each individual’s’ personality they may be more successful in completing certain types of chores initial compared to other chores.

Depending on your child’s age consider the rewards you’re willing to offer. Do not make an offer you aren’t willing to provide. You may also choose to consider if chores are required for an allowance, or for other privileges. Also be clear with your children about the consequences for failing to complete chores.

Some consequences can be natural consequences such as child being unable to wear their favorite shirt when they want to because it wasn’t placed in the laundry and other consequences may be the loss of preferred activities.

If you choose to implement chores, remember to institute a “training period” for chores because all children will need to be taught through instruction, modeling and feedback in order to perform chores and tasks to your expectations.

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